Title: Sharing My Student Teacher Experience: Seminar Presentation on the Concept Attainment Model in EDU 10
Embarking on the journey of becoming a teacher is a significant and transformative experience. As a student teacher, I recently had the opportunity to present a seminar on the "Concept Attainment Model" for my EDU 10 class, and I would like to share my reflections on this invaluable experience. The seminar took place in the presence of our class mentor, Dr. Neena, who provided guidance and support throughout the process. The Concept Attainment Model The Concept Attainment Model is an instructional strategy used in teaching to help students grasp abstract concepts. It involves presenting students with a set of examples and non-examples, encouraging them to identify the underlying characteristics or concepts that distinguish one group from the other. This model promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and concept development in students. The Preparation Phase Preparing for the seminar was an extensive process. I began by conducting thorough research on the Concept Attainme...